Thursday 1 August 2013

A few days left...

Asaalam everyone,
You probably know my latest blogs have been about making the most of the last few days of Ramadan, therefore, I wanted to write this blog today.
This blog is going to be quite short, but Insha-Allah it will come of use to you.

A few days ago, in another one of my posts I placed an activity there.
It was a review of how you've done.
We're going to do a similar thing today,
if you have done that and still have it then it may come to use.

Any other activities that you've done may come to use as well.
What I want you to do is write down an evaluation on one side of a sheet of paper.
This is of what you've done that your happy with.

On the other side,
I want you to write down a list of what you still have to do.
Throughout these remaining days I want you to do just that,
and begin to do what you haven't.
I want you to cross off anything you do.

This blog was probably one of the shortest I have done,
but I am planning to do quite a long posts tomorrow,
for both blogs I write tomorrow.
this blog has helped you in some way.

I hope you are having a nice Ramadan,
Ramadan Mubarak!

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